Sunday, August 26, 2007

Is Video Streaming the Future for Corporate Video?

Things have changed quite a bit from when I started in the film & video business in 1988. Back then, many corporate programmes were still shot and edited on film. Video shooting was on "plain Jane", non-SP, analogue Betacam. Video editing was on Low Band U-Matic - a process that required copious notes to be taken and a day or two of writing all the timecode numbers down for the (linear) on-line edit. Mastering was on bulky one-inch reel to reel video, that was so sensitive to magnetic fields, it couldn't be taken on a London tube train. Distribution was either on Low Band U-Matic, Betamax (remember that?), or VHS.

Today, nearly twenty years later, the much heralded digital age is upon us. You can shoot on DV, edit on Avid, and burn the result onto DVD without a moment's thought or any loss of quality. The only stage of the process that has remained more or less the same is the final one: delivery of the programme to the viewer. Be it by post, Fed-Ex, or motorcycle courier, someone has to take a copy of your finished programme, transport it to where your viewer is going to see it, and then play it on specialised equipment. If your programme has to cross borders into another country, chances are you'll have to have special copies made to conform to that country's TV standard, and the customer will have to pay a hefty customs charge as well.

The Internet provides a solution to this problem and is, in my view, the perfect medium for the distribution of corporate videos, for companies large and small. Broadband/ ADSL Internet access is rapidly becoming the norm. Around 80% of the UK now has the capability to access Broadband (source: The Guardian) and the figure is higher for some other countries. Here are a few examples of ways this technology can be utilised:

Let's say you run a small or medium sized company and have made a promotional video to show to potential clients. You can easily stream this from your website. If you don't want your competition to see your video (and you cannot guarantee a DVD won't fall into the "wrong" hands), you can password protect that part of the website and make access by invitation only. You could also stream a commercial from your website for the whole world to see - not just people in your local TV area. You could even tie it in to your print advertising, so people would want to visit your site and see your commercial. That certainly beats them getting up to go to the bathroom when your commercial is showing on TV, or fast forwarding it if they've videoed the programme its being shown in! There's so much video content of this nature being shown on the web now, Yahoo! has devoted a large area of their search engine to it. Visit Yahoo!, click on the "video" tab and type in "commercial" to see what I mean.

If you run a large company or have staff in more than one place, then video streaming becomes a real boon. In addition to the options available to small businesses, you can use it for corporate communications. You can show the same video to employees in different locations, cities, time zones, or even countries. Apart from converting your video into the correct format (more on that subject later), and having your webmaster upload it to your webspace, the actual costs are practically nothing - and there's definitely nothing for the tax man to get his teeth into! Your video can cross boarders without having to incur customs charges, and standards conversion becomes a thing of the past.

Getting your training message across also becomes much easier. Employees can watch the video from their computer screens. Add some "interactivity" to the mix, and you can build a training session tailored for each employee. If you're on a network, you can do this via your company intranet as well as over the web.

With live streaming, one trainer can train several people at the same time, even if they are in different parts of the world. This is particularly useful for medical training. A surgeon can demonstrate a particular technique from a sterile environment, without the operating theatre having to be filled with students. The entire process can also be recorded on video for viewing later.

There are many formats available for digital video, and careful research is necessary to select the most appropriate one. The most popular formats are:

Macromedia Flash (swf)
Microsoft Video (avi)
Motion Picture Experts Group (mpeg)
Quick Time (mov)
Real Media (rm)
Windows Media (wmv)

Streaming video does not quite compare to what viewers are used to seeing on broadcast TV or DVD. The most obvious difference being the optimum screen size is much smaller. Under ideal conditions, streaming video can be clear and continuous, but the latest technology must be used to create, send and receive the video or the results can be unsatisfactory; however, that said, the sort of picture one would see when seated directly in front of the computer monitor is not dissimilar from that seen on a 14" portable TV viewed from 10 feet or so away.

Because of the smaller screen size, it's best to avoid any complicated graphics or DVE moves in a streamed video, although still frame graphics can always be shown on the website alongside the video.

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about streaming video. Some of the most common questions I get asked are:

"Don't I need a special website for streaming video?" No, you don't. Because the files are large, most free sites won't host them, but ordinary sites will. I have over five hours of streaming video on my LearnPhotoshopFast website, and it's just an ordinary one. Some web hosting companies do charge you extra if you have live streaming video on a continuous basis, but this is usually to cover the extra bandwidth.

"Ah, bandwidth. I'll bet it uses a lot. Won't that cost a fortune?" This is sort of true. Video files are large, but they are just binary files. Downloading large files - be they video or software - does use up a lot of bandwidth. However, video streaming formats are especially designed to keep file sizes as small as possible. Bandwidth isn't all that expensive these days anyway, and many web hosting packages come with a monthly allocation of 50 - 100 gigabytes, which is more than adequate for most applications.

"Some people who want to see my videos have Windows PCs, while others have Macs. Won't that be a problem?" No. Most streaming formats are compatible with multiple operating systems, and even specific manufacturer's formats like Microsoft's Windows Media, and Apple's Quick Time, have versions that can be used by "the competition".

"Is streaming video any good on a dial-up connection?" It's true that streaming video works best via Broadband. The best option is to offer the alternative of downloading the video file as well as streaming it; that way, someone on a dial-up can download the file and watch it from his/her hard drive.

Video streaming can add a whole new dimension to your corporate video, be it for training, communications, or marketing. It's just like having your own cable-TV channel - only considerably cheaper.

Shaun Pearce is a writer and video maker. Read his bio. at His latest production, Photoshop Master, is a series of training videos for Adobe Photoshop and can be viewed via Internet video streaming from

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Useful Tips for Avoiding Flood Damage

What do you think will be the lasting memory of summer 2007 for most people?

Gordon Brown becoming the new Prime Minister of Great Britain? The memorial concert for Princess Diana at Wembley Stadium? Perhaps the image of a burning car being driven into Glasgow Airport?

Each of these events has their own merits but for many people summer 2007 will be remembered for the weather and the flooding that has hit many parts of the UK. This article looks at recent weather patterns and gives some tips on how businesses can try to avoid flooding in the future.

Rising temperatures, warmer winters and even hotter summers have been the talk from experts when it comes to climate change but recent years has seen worldwide misery and destruction when it comes to the weather.

The 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami in the Indian Ocean brought with it devastation and loss beyond belief with according to United Nations figures 229,866 people lost, including 186,983 dead and 42,883 missing.

2005 saw Hurricane Katrina rip through many parts of the United States with at least 1,836 people losing their lives in the Hurricane and subsequent floods. The storm is estimated to have been responsible for $81.2 billion (2005 U.S Dollars) in damage, making it the costliest natural disaster in US history.

And in the United Kingdom in June and July 2007 yet more misery in the form of torrential rainfall that has seen homes, businesses and lives destroyed throughout many parts of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. And whilst the storms in the UK havent been on the scale of those witnessed in the Far East and United States, lives have been lost and the clean up operation is just underway.

So with further rainfall forecast in the UK the UKs Business Insurance Broker, Northern Counties Insurance, have produced these useful tips which businesses can follow to help them both pre and post loss should they be hit by flooding.

Pre Loss tips include:

1. Ensuring that where possible all electrical equipment and stock is stored at least four feet above ground

2. Turning off electrical equipment (excluding burglar alarms)

3. Turning off the supply to central heating units if these are at ground level

4. Whenever and wherever possible moving vehicles to high ground

5. Sand bagging the premises if there is a high exposure to potential flooding

6. Consider constructing gullies to funnel water to drains

7. Clearing all drains and gutters on and around the premises of leaves and any other obstructions to allow an unrestricted flow of water

8. Moving high value items away from unmanned premises

This is by no means a comprehensive list of actions you could take prior to a flood but by following them your chances of a loss occurring could be significantly reduced.

So what action can you take in the event of a loss occurring?

Post Loss tips include:

1. Removing debris where possible. However if the debris is in any way contaminated, you may need to contact the emergency services first.

2. Saving items of value for inspection

3. If stranded, contact the emergency services immediately

4. If possible allowing ventilation to the premises

5. Consider up to 500 of emergency repairs to mitigate future losses

6. Take all appropriate and reasonable measures to protect the premises from future flooding

7. Contact your insurance broker or insurance company immediately so they can help make sure your claim is dealt with as quickly and as favourably as possible

Hopefully the weather like we have seen in the summer of 2007 will be a freak occurrence that doesnt hit us again but should storms and flooding continue hopefully these Useful Tips for Avoiding Flood Damage will go some way to help you out.

Useful Tips for Avoiding Flood Damage was brought to you by Mark Burdett, Marketing Manager of Northern Counties Insurance Brokers The UKs Business Insurance Broker.

This article was written by Mark Burdett, Marketing Manager of Northern Counties Insurance Brokers. Mark has over 17 years Marketing experience in the Financial Services industry and has worked on campaigns for companies including Norwich Union, Kia and Zurich.

Now based in Newcastle upon Tyne Mark is Marketing Manager for one of the UK's Leading Insurance Brokers - Northern Counties Insurance Brokers.

Northern Counties have been providing Business Insurance to businesses since 1928 and can be contacted on 0191 482 1219 for all your Commercial Insurance and Business Insurance needs.

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Getting The Cheapest Life Insurance Cover Online

When it comes to getting the cheapest life insurance cover then going online is the best way to secure your policy. Even better is going with an independent broker, which can in the long run save you money and will definitely save you the hassle of having to wade through the different insurers yourself for the best deal, even if you know what to look for.

There are many different factors that have to be taken into account when buying life insurance and of course policies are not the easiest thing for the majority of people to understand. The wording and terms used in a policy can confuse most people and often leave them with little understanding of what they are actually covered for.

The main type of life insurance is term life; term life insurance is taken out just to cover you in the event that you should die. It will pay out a fixed lump sum of money to those left behind which gives you peace of mind that at least they wont be left struggling financially. Term life insurance is one of the most popular of all life insurance polices as it is the cheapest policy to take and the easiest to understand. You simply choose how long you want the policy to last. However, unlike some life insurance, the policy only covers you for death and wont pay out after a period of so many years.

When it comes to deciding which type of life insurance is the best for your particular needs then again a broker can help you to choose which would work out the best for you, although of course the ultimate decision is yours. A brokers advice can save you money and will ensure that you get the policy most suitable for your needs. It is essential that you ask if dont understand, there are many exclusions within all types of insurance polices and life insurance is no exception.

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance a completely independent specialist broker dedicated to providing their clients with the best insurance deal. They offer great value life insurance as well as, critical illness and income protection, ensuring that their clients have the protection they need, without leaving a hole in their pocket.

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The Nanny Security Camera - Is It A Good Thing To Have?

Have you gotten caught up in the craze of the nanny camera yet? With today's electronic society, more and more products have come out to help parents keep tabs on their children. The nanny camera is just the latest in this area and has become a very popular item for many households. But is it right for you?

The basic premise behind the nanny security camera is for the parents to be able to keep an eye on their children from another room in the house. The kids can continue to play in one room while mom can be doing something else in another. That sounds like a pretty good idea, so what is wrong?

Well, on paper it looks great. Mom can be doing her thing and still be able to keep an eye on Johnny and Amy. It gives a sense of security in being able to watch the happenings without having to be present.

On the flipside however, many people will argue that the security camera does more harm than good. They claim that parents feel it's ok to leave their children alone more often because the nanny camera is there to babysit for them.

By doing this more often, parents will become further detached from their children. They will tend to leave the children to themselves too much instead of being a more active role model.

Perhaps the right solution is somewhere in the middle. Whatever the case, only you can decide if a nanny security camera is right for you or not.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

By the way, you can find out more on a Nanny Camera as well as much more information on all types of home and business security cameras at

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Closing Annuity Sales: The First Appointment

Closing annuity sales is the point of the exercise, and every professional knows the euphoria of a perfect presentation and close. Some salespeople believe it is the hand of destiny ushering them through the signatures, to the button-up, the handshake, and the drive home where they bask in the good fortune of finding that low-hanging fruit. The true professional spends the drive home replaying a different visual, a series of familiar steps that lead inevitably, unerringly to a new client for life. One salesperson gets lucky, the other gets validation.

The perfect presentation and close takes on a Zen-like quality, like the sound of one hand clapping. There is no sale, no close. There is a problem that finds a solution, a fear that finds comfort. All reasoning, all motivation comes from the client. Aristotle nailed it 2400 years ago: The fool tells me his reasons, the wise man persuades me with my own.

Now that youve given your first pair of Safe Money Seminars and collected a couple dozen appointments, here are some defining dos and donts. When precisely executed, my three appointment process of closing annuity sales will assure not only sales, but new clients for life. For example, do remember that all prospects walk into your office (or await your arrival at their home) with important core emotional values - wants, fears, hopes and dreams. Dont jump into your pitch. If you insist on jumping into your pitch, save yourself the trouble and take a loaded revolver, get in the bathtub and blow your brains out. Youll earn roughly the same commission.

The FUD Factor

Instead, do observe the FUD Factor. All people have fears, uncertainties and doubts that haunt subconscious caverns and, unless confronted, render their host incapable of making decisions. These FUDs not only define their hosts sense of self but also dictate how they relate to their money. Mr. and Mrs. Prospect are their fears, uncertainties and doubts as well as their money - all in varying yet fuzzy degrees. You must use your first appointment, your get-acquainted session, to deliberately and profoundly connect with these inner emotions.

How? Never lead with statements when you can lead with questions. Ask questions -- well-crafted, provocative, incisive questions -- and dont be so eager to tell your story that you neglect to hear your prospects story. These are your money moments. The more time you spend soaking in the FUDs of your prospects, the more they will respect your advice, then help you craft solutions to their liking. The more they will think it was their idea.

And pay attention to body language, words they choke on, core emotional issues and outright fears. People are motivated by fear and greed, but fear will move them to action faster and with greater resolve than greed. Key in on the boogeyman, what keeps them up at night, what haunts their dreams. Most people need a psychiatrist more than they need a financial advisor. Fact is, a financial advisor is not very good at closing annuity sales until he or she becomes a good psychiatrist.

Three Questions

My favorite leading question is simply, Where are you from originally? When asked sincerely, the question gives them permission to take an autobiographical stroll down memory lane. Their eyes take on a nostalgic glow. There is a scant grin as they drift back in time recalling their childhood, their parents and siblings, schoolmates, the home they grew up in, what things were like in those days, and the passport that led them into adulthood. Your job here is to clam up and listen. Take notes like a freshman. Youll discover bedrock values along with irrational beliefs, paralyzing fears and whimsical dreams. This exercise has nothing to do directly with closing annuity sales or getting to their money... but everything to do with getting to know who earned their money. The value of their assets is less important that the values that created them.

Next I say, Tell me about the work you did before you retired. A persons identity is largely defined by their occupational history. What they did for a living is who they are. Their need to find a sympathetic ear to acknowledge career accomplishments is on equal footing with their need to trust someone to respect what theyve accumulated along the way. Talk of work often leads voluntarily to talk of IRAs and 401(k)s, but this is not an invitation for you to pounce on their nest egg. Theyve been waiting all their lives for a financial advisor to just listen to them. Use conversation extenders like, and you feel this way because? or and that experience is why youve kept your money in CDs all this time? Get to the blood, sweat and tears that went into earning their nest egg.

Then I say, Now then, John and Mary, tell me why you asked for this appointment and maybe the two or three most important things youd like us to talk about. They usually have a list of items to go over from your Safe Money Seminar, but if at this point they look at you like a deer in the headlights, try an alternate question like, Tell me about the best financial move you ever made. Many people will seize the opportunity to gloat over victories. Surprisingly often, however, theyll volunteer their worst financial moves in painful detail, blow by blow, reaching deep to expose feelings that cry for emotional connection. This is when you know at a primal level that nothing in your arsenal for closing annuity sales equals the fire power of getting your prospects to tell their story.

A Few Wows

Your ratio of them talking to you talking should be about 5 to 1 or, in an hour, 50 minutes them to 10 minutes you. Remember, in your Safe Money Seminar you asked them to bring copies of last years tax return, life insurance and annuity policies, and brokerage account statements. Since the first appointment is not about the diagnosis (finding what's broken), nor the prescription (closing annuity sales), youll use the little time you have to Wow them as much as possible. For example, if their tax return shows $7,000 to $8,000 in interest income, its a safe bet they have roughly $200,000 in bank CDs paying 3.5% to 4% interest. You quickly do the math, glance up from the documents and say in nonchalant doctor speak, And youve got, what, about $200,000 in bank CDs? They verify the dollar amount for your notes and think, Wow, how does he know that?

Finally, you conclude the meeting. The simple message here is that, like any good doctor, you have not attempted any diagnosis and are far from prescribing any cure. The operative word here is research. It will take you a week to research their current portfolio and/or assorted financial documents and identify areas that are not reaching their highest potential, not serving their needs, or outright broken and need fixing. Set the return appointment for the same time, same place, one week from today. Of course, youll need to keep their documents for your research which, incidentally, reinforces the element of trust and assures their return visit. Then stand up, shake hands, look them in the eyes and thank them for sharing their lives with you.

You have done more toward closing annuity sales than anything you could have told them. Gary Le Mon is a wholesale distributor of fixed indexed annuities for Allianz, American Equity, Sun Life Financial, and ING. Author and developer of the Safe Money Seminar, a financial planning seminar for Seniors, Gary serves as guest speaker on behalf of agents and agencies nationwide. He is coach, mentor and motivator to over 700 general agents in his insurance marketing organization, InsuranStar Marketing. See also

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Every Man's Fantasy - Britney Spears Nude?

All through the late 90s and early 2000s men all over the world yearned for the day Britney Spears would turn 18 in hopes of seeing the unbelievably hot Spears nude.

Fake photos popped up all over the internet, but Britney never posed nude.The world waited and waited and the hopes of men everywhere began to fade as it became apparent Britney Spears photos would not grace the pages of Playboy of Hustler.

Then, just last month Britney was photographed getting out of the backseat of a car. She wasnt wearing any panties! Finally, what the entire world wanted to see was out therebut no one cared? What is wrong here? The upskirt photos of Britney Spears with no panties on should have been the biggest Britney Spears news EVER! It should have propelled her to new heights in her career, but it went relatively unnoticed. She was even scorned for the photos not idolized.

Did the public not care because we had already seen other female celebrities do the same thing weeks prior to Britneys? It is not that at all. The problem with Britneys photos is in her apparel.

Men didnt want to see Britney with pantyhose on with no panties. That isnt the image they had in their heads over the past few years. The fantasy guys have involves a couple of scenarios.

The first male voyeur fantasy of Britney Spears: She needed to be wearing a slightly shorter skirt with thigh highs and no panties. The second voyeur fantasy: She needed to be wearing the skirt plus thigh highs plus thongs.

Guys didnt want to see Britney Spears with pantyhose on. There is nothing sexy about that, but thigh highs add that extra little suspense with the openness to see uninhibited Britneys stuff. Even if she had had thongs on, the suspense would have had guys dropping like flies.

Britney, it wasnt your timing. It was your wardrobe. My advice to you Britney, cover yourself up just a little better. You have been famous this long with pressure to Playboy and you havent given in. Dont do it now. You are a much better person with better qualities then to have to show your body to the world.

Avoid the temptation to be another Hollywood tramp. Help keep a little morality in Hollywood.

The author is a youth pastor and operates a Britney Spears advice blog at

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Home security systems play an important role when it comes to securing your loved ones and your home. A lot of home security companies have introduced many security products to guarantee security. One of these home security companies is X10. X10 is considered to be one of the leading security companies that offers the perfect system to insure that your home is safe and secured.

How does X10 work?
X10 communicates between transmitters and receivers by sending and receiving signals over the power line wiring. These signals engage short RF bursts which symbolize digital information. X10 transmissions are matched to the zero crossing point of the AC power line. The goal should be to transmit as close to the zero crossing point as possible, but surely within 200 microseconds of the zero crossing point. The PL513 and TW523 provide a 60 Hz square wave with a maximum delay of 100 sec from the zero crossing point of the AC power line. The maximum delay between signal envelope input and 120 kHz output bursts is 50 sec. Therefore, it should be arranged that outputs to the PL513 and TW523 be within 50 sec of this 60 Hz zero crossing reference square wave.

A lot of people have ignored the importance of having security systems installed in their homes/businesses because they think that their home is safe. Statistics have shown that thousands of homes are getting stolen every year. These statistics suggest that having a home security system will certainly reduce the chance of being vulnerable by un-welcomed visitors.

X10 home security company offers many products including home security cameras (wireless and wired), home automation kits and much more. All these products were introduced to make your home more secured and to prevent un-welcomed visitors.

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Who Should Consider Starting a Paid Subscription Website?

Before I identify who should be considering setting up a subscription website, it would be a good idea to define exactly what a subscription website is.

There are two inter-changeable terms; a subscription website and membership website. Most people don't differentiate between the two.

A subscription or membership website is a site which has a password protected member area. Visitors to the site have to register their details and usually make a payment before being issued with a password. The password gives them access to a member-only content. The content is usually text articles, but it can be applications, digital downloads or streamed video and audio clips.

In the traditional print world the subscription website can be compared to a specialist newsletter or magazine. But the internet has some major advantages over print. There are almost zero distribution costs, they can attract a global audience, they can be run from anywhere in the world, content can be archived in a searchable format and most importantly members are able to interact with one another creating a strong sense of community.

These advantages open up subscription websites to a huge number of individuals and organisations who otherwise would not be able to cost effectively sell subscriptions and distribute their information. A site with as few as 500 members can provide a good income for the editor.

Examples of individuals and groups who should consider the online subscription website opportunity are:





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If you consider that there are over 50 million active blogs on the internet, many of these have a strong and loyal followings......... but they are making very little money from advertising. These are ideal candidates to convert to a subscription website so that they can start earning a proper living from their expertise.

Remember everybody has knowledge and expertise that is valuable to somebody.

Miles Galliford is the co-founder of SubHub . He has been on the board of many successful internet companies since 1998. SubHub provides everything that an individual or organisation needs, from the technology platform to the know-how, to setup, run and grow a successful subscription website business. To read more articles about subscription website publishing, please visit .

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How to Employ Strong Leaders in Your Organization

Look for people who exhibit leadership qualities on their own without specific training. Have you noticed someone who knows how to apply his strengths and work on overcoming his weaknesses?

Is there a person whose skills and character havent been utilized to help the company grow and succeed? If theres someone in your organization who consistently lends support to everyone else, you may be overlooking a highly qualified leader.

You might need to interview your staff to find out what their inner thoughts are on how the company is performing. They have to have your trust to be able to confide in you.

Hold a meeting and see who pipes up with inventive ideas or strategies to help you beat the competition or improve the processes and procedures for better efficiency. You may have to actively seek out the leaders in your companys existing roster or go outside of the organization to hire new leadership.

Having strong leadership means your company will soon see improvements at every level from the way customers are treated to the profit-churning ability of the marketing strategies you employ.

Soldiers view their leaders with respect because those are the men and women who prove that performance and attitude make an impact on whether a mission is carried out with a victory.

Employees in the business world will respect those who are committed to a better way of operating. The actions your leaders take in the way they interact with employees and carry out business decisions will be more powerful than the empty words many companies use to try to herd their employees into performing.

Wesley Ford is the Nation's LDRSHIP Expert! His primary mission is professionally developing leaders using The Soldier's Method. His more than 17 years of experience allows him to speak to and train organizations globally on tactical and strategic issues. Join the Successful Forces by visiting

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Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, Americans gain an average of one pound over the holidays. While it doesn’t seem like a lot of weight, that one pound can stay with you for good and add up over time.

The following are five tips to help you enjoy holiday treats, but without the weight gain:

1. Reserve your calories for the best. When you attend a holiday event, decide on one or two “unhealthier” choices that you will eat, making sure they are foods you really like. Keep your portions small. For example, a reasonable portion of cornbread dressing or macaroni and cheese is ½ cup, or the size of ½ orange.

2. Focus on the festivities, not the food. During your holiday dinners, focus on enjoying the atmosphere and the conversations around you. The point of the holidays is not to eat, but to enjoy fellowship with your friends and loved ones.

3. Put leftovers away immediately. If you are hosting a holiday event, store leftovers immediately after everyone is served. Often, we overeat just because the food is there. By putting the food away, you minimize this temptation.

4. Make healthier substitutions when you can. Substitute some of the unhealthier ingredients in your favorite recipes with healthier ones. According to Chris Rosenbloom, a nutrition instructor at Georgia State University, the following are some substitutions you can make:

    Whole milk: Use either 1 percent, 2 percent, or skim milk.

    Cream cheese: Use light or fat-free cream.

    Egg yolk: Use one egg white or liquid egg substitute.

    Oil for baking: Use applesauce (yellow cake recipes) or baby food prunes (chocolate recipes) equal to amount of oil called for in the recipe.

    Sugar: Reduce to 3/4 cup sugar if the recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar.

    5. Kick up the action a notch.

Focus on increasing your physical activity during the holidays to burn up any extra calories you have eaten. For example, take a 15 minute walk after dinner, play with your children, or perform some situps or jumping jacks during television commercials.

A Registered Nurse for many years, Kimberly Floyd battled obesity for much of her adult life. She achieve her ideal weight and has written a new book entitled 'Moneywise Weight Loss' which teaches others how to lose weight and save money--at the same time.

Kim has written articles for the Georgia Nurses Association publication and Nursing Spectrum Online. Now a technical writer, she has written training programs for corporate clients, including IBM, U.S. Bank, and Cingular.

Kim also teaches an online course called 'Goodbye to Shy'. This course is distributed to over 500 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and Australia through Thomson Learning. An accomplished speaker and trainer, she delivers presentations on health-related topics to enthusiastic audiences.

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Semi Trucks and Biodiesel - Nothing New Here

Everything old is new again; or so the saying goes. If youve got tweens or teens running around the house, then their lava lamps and tie-die shirts are probably proving this saying true.

And so it goes for biodiesel fuel. Touted for its green appeal, and soaring onto the front pages of the worlds newspapers based upon promises of a cheaper fuel that will also help break Americas dependence on foreign oil, the concept of burning biodiesel for semi trucks is as new as, well, 1897. That was the year that Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913) perfected the Diesel engine that we all know and love so well.

Most of the nations semi trucks are fueled by Diesel fuel. And while that petroleum-based product may bear Diesels name, it definitely wasnt the fuel of choice for him. In fact, Rudolph Diesel had some very futuristic ideas for his engine and the fuel that would drive it.

Rudolf Diesel had peanut oil in mind as the fuel that would make his engines roar and ultimately launch the semi truck into its rightful place in history. And he understood the economic impact of biofuel even way back then, as evidenced by his own words:

"The diesel engine can be fed with vegetable oils and would help considerably in the development of agriculture of the countries which use it."

Using what must have been a crystal ball tuned into 21st Century economic and politics, world, Herr Diesel went on to say:

The use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant today. But such oils may become in course of time as important as petroleum and the coal tar products of the present time."

How right he was. All of a sudden the semi truck industry is taking one gigantic leap back to 1897 in an effort to finally match fuel reality with the visions of Rudolf Diesel and his peanut oil engine. Today there are multiple biofuel options that are all vying for acceptance by the semi truck industry.

Poultry fats and soybean oils, sent through a chemical process called transesterification, come out the other side as biodiesel.

Ethanol, a very clean fuel, is being successfully distilled from corn and wood products. Other raw materials are being tested as well.

The Diesel engine is so fuel-forgiving, that it can power semi trucks using any number of alternative r fuels including hydrogen, natural gas, propane or even gasses extracted from landfills.

As the price of fuel continues to soar, how long will it be until your semi trucks exhaust fumes start smelling like Moms fried chicken dinners?

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Your Garden Sitter's Checklist

It's not so easy to hand the care of your garden over to another person. But sometimes, you just have to do it, and you might as well make it as painless as possible for both of you by preparing a checklist, giving a brief tour, and then letting go of all illusions of control over what happens in your absence.

Since one characteristic in common among many gardeners is the enjoyment of bringing order out of chaos, the letting go of all control part is the hardest, and perhaps the most important. So let's save that for the end and start with the easy stuff: the garden sitter checklist and tour.

Keep it simple. Trust your garden caretaker to have some sense, and just give general instructions such as, "Thin the vegetables if they look like they need it. Weed if you're inspired. Harvest whatever is ripe and enjoy it yourself or share it with friends. Water before the plants start to droop from thirst."

Then you can go beyond the general to a few - read, very few - specific requests. If your checklist gets too detailed, the caretaker will be overwhelmed, so choose your special situations carefully. After all, the garden is your labor of love, not hers. She's just doing maintenance.

For example, let's say you have a new asparagus trench that is gradually being filled in as the shoots grow. If you have a pile of topsoil mixed with manure on hand for the interim gardener to use as needed to cover the new asparagus, then ask her to help sustain this long-term crop.

But if you have a patch of spinach that is bolting, don't ask her to keep pinching off the blossoms unless you really really want her to spend valuable time on keeping the spinach going during your two-week vacation.

Then make clear your greatest priority, such as "This is an organic garden, so please use only the supplies in my shed. No Round-up or Miracle Grow, thank you." But in general, your temporary help shouldn't be asked to deal with fertilizing or pest control unless you're going to be gone a long time, or the person owes you a really big favor.

Now, for the tour. Before you leave the precious vegetable or flower garden in a caretaker's hands, make a point of meeting with your garden sitter in person in the garden. Make sure she knows where things are, from watering tools to an emergency number for backup.

Also, make sure she knows what things are. Else, she might pull the joi choi, thinking it's a weed rather than an Asian vegetable.

And that brings us to the letting-go-of-illusions-of-control part of the deal. If she does mistakenly pull the joi choi, oh well. Unless the garden is burnt to a crisp or mowed down, just be grateful that someone was there to care for it as best she could. Who knows? She might even have done some things differently and better than you would have. Then you've got some new tricks up your sleeve.

Expect miracles, and do your best to enjoy whatever it was that temporarily took you away from your garden.

Life-time gardener Judith Schwader specializes in organic gardening methods. She shares expertise, humor, and advice for your gardening success at A to Z Gardening. Also visit FB Home for additional home and garden information.

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Debt Recovery Solutions

Debt piled up can lead to a financial crisis. However, there are several solutions available to help you recover from debt. Securing a loan to consolidate your bills can create one low interest monthly payment. Debt management companies can also help you reduce your debt and interest rates. A credit counselor can also help you create personalized financial plans and strategies.

Reducing Rates And Payment Amounts

Consolidating your debts into one loan can help you to reduce your rates and payment amount. Home equity or personal loans have much lower rates than credit cards. With lower rates, you can pay off more of your balance. You can also choose to reduce your payment amount with a longer loan term, but be aware that you will pay more interest this way.

A loan will immediately benefit you financially, but you can improve your credit by closing paid off accounts. As you reduce your debt ratio, your credit rating will continue to improve.

Relying On Outside Help

Several companies specialize in helping you reduce your debt. Debt management companies handle your accounts for a small monthly fee. They also negotiate lower rates with your creditors. Using a debt management plan may temporarily freeze your credit, depending on your lenders. However, most plans can get you out of short term debt in less than five years.

Another option is to use a debt negotiation company. They will work with your creditors to lower your loan balances. This will have a long term affect on your credit, preventing you from qualifying with conventional lenders for at least two years.

Personalizing Your Debt Payment Plan

A credit counselor creates a confidential, personalized budget with you. They present debt payment strategies, which can include consolidation, debt management, or negotiation. Certified counselors can also help you plan for long term financial goals, such as retirement or home buying.

Everyday people are taking action to recover from financial difficulties. While no company can erase your past credit problems, they can help you build a solid future credit score. Eliminating debt frees you from the stress of bills and limits on your credit choices.

To view our recommended debt management companies online, visit this page: Recommended Debt Recovery Services.

Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan Guide, an informational website about various types of loans.

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Choosing An Affordable Web Host

Making sure that You have chosen a right and affordable web hosting service is a crucial step for every small business on the way to making a presence on the Internet. Numerous web hosting providers claim to offer the most affordable web hosting, but how to find the one that fits Your personal requirements?

Before spending money on anything jot down a list of what those requirements are. The basics of any professional web hosting package should include these options:

1.99% uptime guarantees least 100 GB of bandwidth least 1GB of storage space
4.24-hour technical support
5.a basic WYSIWYG site builder
6.PHP, Python, CGI, Perl, Ruby on Rails scripting languages
7.option of Windows hosting or Linux hosting
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BEWARE!!! You should always check with your local BBB (Better Business Bureau) for the company that You are buying web hosting services from! If they're not on the list,or they've had some unresolved issues with prior customers, the customer service won't be up to par with Your expectations.

Next item on You checklist should be the price of that package. More bucks gets You more bang, but DON'T pay more than $5-$15 per month. There are of course web hosting providers that offer service for $1 but You'll have to pay a couple of years in advance, and the customer service won't be good. If you stumble upon a web hosting provider that offers unlimited services, PLEASE read the fine print and be on the lookout for any hidden charges or fees.

If You are just starting out in the on-line game try to find an affordable web hosting company that provides tutorials on how to make a web site and has on-line support. If You don't want to deal with typing your own HTML code most affordable web hosting companies will have some sort of templates for you to choose from. But, if you want to run a successful business venture spend some money on a professional web site design, it won't cost much and it will give Your web site a more prominent look therefore more clicks and more money in Your pocket.

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Broker Training

Whether you are looking to become a stockbroker, futures broker, insurance agent or real estate agent - you will need to complete broker training to get a necessary license. Online or distance training is meant to give you an understanding of the job, but also to prepare you for whichever licensing exam you will be sitting for. For the above careers, becoming a broker means completing training and passing a license test.


To become a licensed stockbroker you must complete broker training to study and pass the Series 7 exam and most likely the Series 63 test as well. Other exams may be required as you move along your broker career. This type of broker career is normally for people looking to earn money through commission sales. Once the Series 7 is passed, there will be ongoing training to help you become successful on your job.

A stockbroker will normally train to sell all types of investments such as bonds, stocks, mutual funds and others. This is a profession where the broker learning and training really never ends. How to prospect, learning new product and other issues are a continuous part of being a financial sales broker. There is also continuing education that will be required.

Futures and Commodities

An career area of the online broker training environment is the futures and commodities market. To become one, a person must pass the Series 3 exam. This test normally requires 4-6 weeks of online or distance training before a person can pass this license exam. Futures brokers work in a high paced and fairly high stressed area of the financial market. The person will work within the FOREX and foreign exchanges. The training is ongoing in this industry as well.

There are many fast moving shifts and parts to the commodities and futures market, so a broker must be aware of not only the procedures to help him or her earn money, but the rules and regulations associated with his license. There is continuing education (CE) that is required ongoing.


The insurance industry has grown tremendously over the years and there is a good amount of broker training that is needed to not only pass your state insurance exam, but to become educated on what it takes to become a successful broker - on the job. Insurance agents can be licensed in life, property, health and more. Online training is used in this industry to prepare trainees to pass the state exam and each person must maintain their broker license through effective continuing education training.

Each state has it's own exam that agents must train to pass. The basics of insurance type are part of each test, but there are also state laws that pertain only to that state - which is part of the training.

Real Estate

A very popular profession where thousands are training this very moment is that of a real estate broker. As with insurance, each state has requirements that each person must meet to become a licensed real estate broker. A pre license test must be passed and then depending on the state - other exams as well.

Real estate agents are not only training to become licensed. They are learning ongoing. This constant education process takes them from their first moments of studying to become a broker, to post license learning, to CE, and also "on the job" training - which is never ending.

If you are looking to take advantage of the unlimited earning power that being an agent or broker gives, you may want to look into what it will take for you to become one. Many of these careers can be studied for online while you are still with your current job. Some can even be practiced part time. To become successful at being a stockbroker, insurance agent or real estate sales person - it starts with exam preparation and licensing, but ultimately your on the job training and ability to communicate and work hard will be what makes you successful.

Best Of Luck!

Nick Hunter is the director of American Investment Training AIT is considered one of the top broker education companies in the world with online and home study material for Stockbrokers, Advisors, Insurance Agents, Real Estate, Appraisal and more. FREE career information is featured on much of the website.

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Make a Living With FOREX - Own Your Own Business

Have you ever dreamed of owning your own business and making a living without having to work so hard for someone else? Do you feel under appreciated in your current job or like you work day in and day out just to make ends meet? Would you like to be able to own your own business, operate it from home and have more time for doing the things you enjoy?

Did you know that the FOREX can do that for you if you know how to invest properly? Many people are aware that the foreign exchange has a lot of potential for big money but they mistakenly think that they can ever achieve that. They think FOREX is only for the big-money investment firms that are experts in the area. But what if you could be an expert, too? What if you could learn the secrets to making millions on the foreign exchange without spending thousands of dollars and hours working at it?

We have a strategy that can help you make a living with FOREX. This proven-effective investment strategy is completely different from anything you have encountered before because it allows you to:

Control your money with your own brokerage account and you place all of your own trades
Learn without confusing charts or graphs to read or any research required
Trade in currency pairs which always move in opposite directions
You rarely exit your position
Spend only a few minutes a week to manage a portfolio of any size
Select your interest rate. (Keep in mind the higher the rate the higher the risk.)
Balance your portfolio to earn varying rates of interest on your account.

The fact that you will be investing in countries that are so large they are not easily manipulated is one bonus to the FOREX as opposed to the regular stock market. You only have six major currencies to choose from instead of hundreds like with the stock market. There is a minimal transaction cost and you can join up for a mere $100.00 a month plus a one time fee of $25.00 for setting up the account.

There are even more reasons to try this great investment strategy and own your own business. It is easy and fast to set-up the trading account. It can be done within a couple of hours. Once your account is set-up you get to just relax and let it do all the work for you.

In time, you will be more confident in your trading abilities and you will see bigger and bigger profits. This is much better than spending countless hours trying to teach yourself how to trade successfully or better than relinquishing control to a professional trader that does everything for you. You are in complete control without all the hassles and you can truly enjoy your own business.

When I first started researching the Forex I learned that it would take months to learn and studying charts and graphs and a lot of money to get started. Something that a full time job would not allow me to do.

Then a good friend of mine introduced me to a forex investment strategy. He told me how easy it was to learn and how it required no formal training and that I could be up and running in less than 3 hours. He also told me that he was earning monthly what banks and mutual funds were earning yearly.

You can only imagine my skepticism. So I started doing some research on the company and the proprietary software they were using. I took a leap of faith and opened up a demo account, and to my surprise everything that they claimed was true. I can honestly say that I'm earning more a month than my mutual funds and my bank are earning a year. This company does truly care about people and that is rare in this industry. I opened up my Live account on April 10, 2007 and I'm doing very well.

Check it out for yourself.

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Understanding The Different Types Of Life Insurance

Taking out a mortgage is one of the biggest financial decisions you will ever make, therefore it is essential that you protect your life with life insurance, in case the worse should happen.

Life insurance will protect your loved ones by providing a lump sum payment in the event of your death, meaning they will not be left with financial worries. There are many different types of insurance and these are outlined below.

Level term assurance is the most basic type of insurance that you can take to cover yourself. This cover will make sure that if something should happen to you, then your loved one gets a sum of money which was determined at the outset in exchange for a relatively low premium. The policy has no cash in value and will only pay out during the term of the policy and is usually taken out alongside an interest only mortgage.

Decreasing term life insurance will decrease over a period of time in line with your mortgage. This type of cover will only pay out upon your death and is aimed at those who have a repayment mortgage in place. The amount paid out will be in proportion with the sum assured and this usually ensures that there is enough to cover the amount of capital which your dependants will still owe the lender of the mortgage.

Convertible term assurance can be turned into permanent cover when the term of the policy comes to an end, usually by taking out an endowment policy. If you aren't in the best of health then this doesn't matter as you cannot be refused the right to take out a new one. However there are some stipulations to be met and these include the inability to increase the amount of the insurance. Conversion of the insurance has to take place before the term assurance comes to an end and any new premiums which are taken out are based on your age and sex.

Always make sure you choose the type of policy most suited to your needs and when looking for the best deal dont accept the first quote you get. And if you don't understand the policy and what is and is not covered in it, then make sure you ask for a full explanation of the policy before committing yourself.

Finally, always be totally honest when taking out a policy as forgetting to or intentionally leaving out an existing condition from the policy could mean that your loved one cannot make a successful claim should they need to.

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance an independent specialist broker dedicated to providing their clients with the best deal on their life insurance, critical illness cover and home and motor insurance.

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